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Logo farbenmeer
We’re drivers of New Work / a satisfying working world
Elisa und Merle unterhalten sich im Ruheraum

Self-organized, holistic, agile

We strongly believe in a just and equitable working world. This entails taking responsibility for our clients, each other, and ourselves. We’re self-organized, pay fair wages, ensure allowances are made for parents and carers, promote nonviolent communication, and embrace an agile mindset that values receptiveness, courage, empathy and curiosity.


Sustainable, social, diverse

We’re committed to promoting a just and sustainable future. We actively encourage the involvement of women in the IT sector and are strongly opposed to racism.

We source products from local producers and rely entirely on renewable energy sources. We take responsibility and actively support non-profit organizations.


Welcome to our team! We’re your go-to experts on the opportunities and challenges presented by digitalization.


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Non-male staff


Vacation days per year


Monthly gross salary


Working hours per week
Our office / development space
Photo of Gerardo, Rebecca and Tobias at work
Rebecca sits at the big table
Photo of the farbenmeer office

Our cosy premises in the Hamburg district of Sternschanze serve not just as a workplace but, more importantly, as a space for communication, creativity and inspiration.

Designed and supported by the multidisciplinary design collective AENY

Foto von Gerardo während eines Vortrags

Oli & Max - Branding

Simon Schirmer - Illustration & Typographie

Sven Wied - Fotografien

AENY - Bürogestaltung