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How we work / live
Photo of Tobias and Rebecca while Pair-Programming

Some of us drink herbal tea, while others don’t. At farbenmeer, although being hip isn’t a requirement, being human certainly is! We believe in self-organization, so showing our human side is all part of the deal.

A plant is being watered

Adapted from Fréderic Laloux’s idea: “Self-management, wholeness, evolutionary purpose.” We prioritize intuition, initiative, shared responsibility and full transparency, and so bring everyone’s complete personality into the workplace.

Fair pay

Our salary committee discusses and jointly sets wages based on several factors, including experience and education, individual dedication, and any additional responsibilities. All salaries are transparent for both employees and applicants. We strive to offer fair compensation that supports a good standard of living.

No hierarchies

At farbenmeer, hierarchies aren’t flat – they’re non-existent! There’s no boss, no pressure from above, no need to consult with superiors, and no one to hold employees back. By prioritizing self-management and self-organization, we create the scope required for individual development.

Self-determined working

At farbenmeer, individuals proactively select a project based on their personal interests and enjoyment. This intrinsic motivation allows us to work with a sense of personal responsibility and self-determination, independently of time and location.

Nonviolent communication

We don’t shy away from conflicts at farbenmeer. Instead, we aim to resolve them peacefully. Empathy, a sense of community, and the space and time we grant each other as colleagues are essential in achieving this goal. Additionally, we offer both internal and external support to ensure that every team member has a well-equipped toolbox for handling conflicts. Through these efforts, we foster an environment of appreciation and mutual trust.

(Distributed) Responsibility as a central tool

Every team member is equally informed to enable them to make well-informed decisions for themselves and the company based on their own initiative and intuition. While colleagues are always available to provide advice, ultimately, each member is responsible for taking their own decisions.

Two bars playing Ping-Pong

We work in agile formats

Our definition of agile

We’re flexible, sensitive, and open to new challenges and changing conditions. We consistently reflect on and question our processes so that we can adapt to new conditions in a flexible manner.


We work closely with our clients to provide exactly what they – and the market – are looking for. To do so, we combine state-of-the-art technology with our organizational skills to ensure that our team members, contractors and business partners deliver. We constantly push and explore the limits of technology to provide long-term solutions to new problems and challenges that arise.