Devising and developing a rally app
Devising and developing a rally app
During this interactive rally through Freiburg, users learn about the UN’s 17 SDGs in a fun and engaging way while exploring the city. The rally consists of 17 stops, each dedicated to one of the 17 SDGs. At each stop, users are encouraged to actively participate in some way.
Interactive rally app
What made this project so captivating, both conceptually and technically, was the development of entertaining rally tasks that also imparted essential information.
The conceptual challenge was to skilfully guide users around the key landmarks and various tasks while simultaneously ensuring they learn about the key aspects of the SDGs.
The technical challenge was to bring the city of Freiburg to life digitally. This was done in various ways, including the use of augmented reality. At Goal 16, for instance, rally participants release peace doves from Platz der Alten Synagoge (‘Old Synagogue Square’). At Goal 13, users can scan vehicles to see clouds of exhaust fumes, which illustrate the emissions of different means of transportation. The larger the cloud, the higher the emissions. And at Goal 12, participants can share their personal pledge for a better future with other residents of Freiburg on a screen.
Many other real-time interactions with the surroundings, along with diverse social media links, make using the app an unforgettable experience.
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